Beautiful and Beloved Therapy

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How to enjoy the practice of getting outside, no matter the weather

One of the gifts I want to give myself in 2019 is getting outside in nature at least 30 minutes a day. It doesn’t matter what I am doing, just as long as the sun is on my face and my toes are in the grass… except it’s winter time in Colorado. Right now 30 minutes a day in the cold wind with ice and snow seems like a bad idea. So, I am currently coming up with ways to help me enjoy it more.

  1. Bring a friend, this works with pretty much everything in life but if you set a time with a friend daily or weekly to go out together no matter the weather you are sure to enjoy it more.

  2. Give yourself a little treat, go out with something indulgent whatever that might be for you… A hot cup of cacao or a piece of dark chocolate melting in your mouth. Reward yourself for your practice, getting into nature and creation daily has so many mental, physical, and emotional benefits but they aren’t always obvious right away, so if you are like me and you crave immediate gratification a little treat can make all the difference.

  3. Multi task, sometimes I have so much to do that spending 30 minutes outside seems like a waste of time {even though I know it’s not} so I use the time to multi task, to read something important or listen to a podcast that I wanted to take notes on. I try not to take my computer or phone out because I need a break from those things throughout the day. If it is raining or snowing I will stay on my porch with hot tea and blankets along with me.

  4. Exercise, go for a walk or a run bundle yourself up and get to it. Once your heart rate gets up and the endorphins start flowing the weather will just be in the background.

  5. Listen to worship music or use the time to meditate and pray, there is nothing that can make you feel closer to God the creator than being out in creation. Breathing in deeply the fresh air {depending on where you live I suppose} and remembering that the air in your lungs connects you to everyone and everything in the universe. If the weather is yucky bundling up and building a fire is a great way to keep your mind on your meditation.

  6. Bring a camera, sometimes {especially if the weather is cold or crazy hot even} it’s easy to focus on discomfort and forget to see the world around you. Bringing your camera forces your focus outside of yourself and allows you to see the incredible and intricate beauty around you.

  7. Journal, take the time outside to journal about your day or your gratitude or your dreams. If it is too cold to write then use the voice memo on your phone. Taking any other practice that you wish to do daily and moving it outside is a fantastic way to make sure that you get both practices into your day.

There are so many ways that getting outside and in nature can serve you. If you find yourself craving and afternoon cup of coffee, studies show that 20-30 minutes outside can give you the same energy boost as a cup of coffee!! Being outside lowers feelings of stress, depression, and anxiety. Time in nature daily helps you to sleep better at night. Scientists also believe that breathing in phytoncides, given off by plants and trees, increases our levels of white blood cells helping us fight off infections and diseases. Sunlight also provides us with vitamin D which decreases inflammation, and while we could take a multi vitamin for D, almost 90% of our daily vitamin D comes from exposure to the sun. Finally according to psychologists getting outside daily has the effect of bringing you more creativity, healthier relationships, and over all focus as well. When we get the opportunity to really spend present time in creation, our connection to ourselves, our creator, and the world deepens and the gift in that is invaluable. {scientific info gathered from mental floss}

As we journey through this year together it is my desire to help you see all the ways that you can experience your body with love and gratitude. I plan to offer you practices in this space weekly along with teachings and encouragement over on Instagram @beautifulandbeloved. I would love to hear from you there, let me know how I can help you to embrace your body and connect to yourself.

In Love and Light,
